Can't wait for people to see what we've been working on! Moana was a joy to animate.
Thanks for letting me film your wonderful day. You two rocked it!
Heidi and David's Wedding from Jackie Koehler on Vimeo. Thanks for looking so great guys.
Our newest trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. I've got a few shots in this one, but a particularly fun one to animate was him crawling up the wall at 1:30. Big shout out to everyone's awesome (fully keyframed ;) work. I may be a little biased, but it looks great!
I managed to snag a plot at the Cypress community garden this year. I acquired it a bit late in the growing season, so I'm just reaping some rewards now. I've got big plans for next year though. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce - oh my!
October 2016